Grid-tied vs Off Grid
Why Do You Want Solar?
Everyone has different reasons for installing solar. How you answer this helps us recommend the right system for you. Previously, 95% of our customers wanted to reduce their electric bills with a straight grid-tied system, but we are finding more and more people who want the security and reliability of creating and storing their own energy. We can help you do this.
Lower Electric Bills
Want to simply lower your electric bills: a grid-tied system might be right for you
Unreliable Electric Service
Is your electric service unreliable or do you have some essential systems like pumps or septic systems that must keep operating: a grid-tied, battery backup system might be the answer.
Building a new home
Building a new home and want to integrate solar in the best possible way: let us work with you to design an AC-coupled system with battery backup that is the ultimate in energy reliability and security
Battery-based systems are a great choice in Texas
Battery systems are now financially viable and easier than ever to operate. No longer the system exclusively for those who wanted to disconnect from society, these systems are now mainstream options for many who contact us.
Others talk about backup: we understand it and know how to install the most robust, reliable systems in Texas.
We have the ability and knowledge to install everything from simple single inverter systems to “multi-stacked” inverter setups like you see to the left, able to back up an entire ranch.
The two Essential Questions to Ask Yourself:
1. Do I have essential systems that MUST keep operating during electric disruptions?
2. Do I recognize that when I select batteries, there is an unquantifiable benefit that will cost more than a straight grid-tied system?
The most important question is, "Do I want power when others might not have it?"
If the answer is yes, please let us show you options to meet your reliability and security requirements.
The choices for "grid-tied" PV systems
Solar CenTex installs “grid-tied” solar PV systems which means you are still receiving a portion of your electricity from your current Retail Electric Provider (the “REP”). The amount you get from your REP is entirely dependent on the size of the PV system that is installed: typically expect that 30% to 99% of your electricity needs can be met by solar.
Batteries are so much more than backup. Batteries and modern inverters provide advanced home energy management and this picture illustrates this on so many levels.
1. “Peak Shaving” at the 8PM peak is this system providing stored solar to offset an evening demand for power. He has one LG battery so he can get 6,000-watts of offset. (Two batteries would have provided additional peak power.)
2. He does not have this at 8AM because we programmed his battery to retain 30% capacity for actual grid outages (we can select any reserve level) so while his battery had the potential to provide the power, the system took power from the grid instead.
3. His 17KW system produced 108kwh and his home used 70kwh this day. Of that 70kwh, nearly one third was provided by stored solar energy.
This is just one day but shows a home that is using the energy storage as so much more than backup.
This will “future-proof” him from whatever time-of-use rates that Texas throws at him in the years ahead. All while having peace of mind no matter what Mother Nature serves up to the grid reliability.

DC Optimizers
We use SolarEdge
A DC Optimizer attached to each solar panel ("module") brings each module to the same voltage, regardless of sunshine or shading. This allows the entire "string" of modules to operate at its peak efficiency.
This power is delivered to an inverter at the wall where it is turned into AC power for the house.
Hover for additional benefits:
Great warranties (25 years for the DC Optimizer, 12-20 years for the inverter)
- Ability to monitor the power output of individual modules
- Much better shade tolerance

We use Enphase
Enphase IQ7 microinverters mark the return of this long-time manufacturer to prominence.
Each "micro" inverter directly converts module DC power to 240-AC current.
Just like SolarEdge, this system is fully compliant with Rapid Shutdown requirements from the National Electric Code.